Thursday, May 8, 2008

Beltway and Local Conservative Agree: It's Time for a New Bob Schaffer Website

A new conservative D.C. blogger has pointed out a problem with the Bob Schaffer campaign that I too have become increasingly concerned and impatient about:
Problem: Despite the fact of knowing that this is going to be an extremely tough race for a Republican to win, it appears that this campaign has done very little (almost nothing) in terms of marketing themselves on the internet.

Even though their race will be expensive, they don’t seem to understand that one of the first places people go to get information on their candidate is the candidate’s website.

This is usually a good thing, unless you’re Bob Schaffer.

Please click here to see Bob Schaffer’s website.
Yep. The campaign has taken too long to get up a proper website with full capabilities. And it would be good to see the upgrade come sooner rather than later.

"DCRepublican" may be operating inside the Beltway, but on this point he has the agreement of the grassroots blogger in fly-over country. It's time for a new Bob Schaffer campaign website.

Thanks also to DCRepublican for the kind link.


Alan said...

For the love of God, Ben, we finally agree on something.

I was playing with the original design one day and came up with this:

I find it much more informative than the original, but then again I might be a little biased.

Ben DeGrow said...

I doubt we really agree, because if it were changed to be a good website, you wouldn't have anything to make fun of.

Also glad to see you admit your bias. It's the first step on the road to recovery.