Friday, May 9, 2008

Schaffer Challenges Udall To Summer Lincoln-Douglas Debates

For a total of 7 Lincoln-Douglas style debates between Memorial Day and Labor Day, one in each Congressional District (click to enlarge):

U.S. Senate candidates Bob Schaffer and Mark Udall found rare common ground today: there’s no debate that they will debate.

In their first-ever joint appearance, U.S. Rep. Udall, a Democrat, and former Rep. Schaffer, a Republican, both spoke to the South East Business Partnership annual luncheon, although they didn’t share the podium.

Schaffer told the group that he has proposed a series of seven debates between now and Labor Day.

“Of course we want to debate,” Udall said after the event. “Of course I want a chance to tell the people of Colorado why I’d be the best choice as the next United States senator.”

Udall said the debate schedule will have to be worked out, but said a number of groups traditionally hold debates, including Club 20, the Rotary Club and public television.
We'll update as the debate schedule emerges.

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