Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Schaffer's Proposed Debates Draw Media Interest, Udall Silent

SvU's inside sources reveal that several Colorado news and civic organizations have contacted the Schaffer campaign in response to the candidate's proposed summer debate series.

With the visibility of a close, nationally significant Senate campaign no doubt helping to draw interest, and the potential absence of a continued Democrat primary (the Democratic National Convention notwithstanding), a Schaffer-Udall summer debate series under any format will be sure to entertain and provoke strong partisan political passions. It will also help to answer questions held by that enigmatic third bloc of Colorado voters--the unaffiliateds.

But nothing so far from Udall's camp.

Udall's response was sought by this Friday, May 16. If nothing is heard by then, SvU will add "Udall Debate Watch" countdown widget to the blog.

Tick, tock.

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