Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Asking Again: Will Mark Udall Join The Debate?

The clock continues ticking for the Mark Udall campaign. It's been more than 3 weeks since the Bob Schaffer campaign agreed to participate in an online debate jointly sponsored and moderated by liberal blogger David Thielen and Schaffer v Udall here on the right. And it's been more than 8 weeks since the request first went out to both sides.

Mark Udall's team is still not sure what to do. Is it because they realize how much we know about Udall's record on the issues? Or maybe they just lack confidence in their candidate's ability to go toe-to-toe on important issues that Coloradans want to know about?

We hope not, and continue to await a favorable response to this bipartisan proposal. We want to give Mark Udall plenty of opportunity.

1 comment:

johne said...

Seen this yet: ?