Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another Lie from Udall Spokesperson

Yesterday we highlighted a Grand Junction news story in which Boulder liberal Rep. Mark Udall's campaign ineffectively tried to spin legitimate criticisms against his record. Upon closer review, we also should have included this snippet:
"It is very surprising it's happening this early," said [Udall campaign manager Mike] Melanson. "It's the only place in the country -- we're the only Senate race where negative attack ads have gone up."
What about these Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ads attacking Republican candidates in New Hampshire, Minnesota, Maine, and Kentucky? If he's going to speak so authoritatively about "negative attack ads" nationwide, shouldn't Melanson figure out what his own party is doing first? Of course, he's aware of what's going on from the DSCC, you say.

Once more, Udall's spokesperson spouts an easily disprovable lie. What's going on here?

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