Thursday, December 13, 2007

What a Liberal Thinks About the Poll

Yesterday, Ben wrote about the strange write up in Colorado Confidential of the latest poll. He wasn't the only one who noticed the Colorado Confidential spin:

What is strange to me about the poll is not the result -- it is very much what we have seen in every Colorado poll, and the race is definitely a toss-up, contrary to most people's expectations -- but the way the group that conducted it is spinning the results, as the internals reported insist on Udall's strength among his base and his appeal to moderates and Republicans, as well as on Shaffer's weakness among his base. Reading the description, one could believe that Udall was found to lead by 10%! In any case, the bottom line is that Colorado is tight.

Let this serve as a reminder. Spinning so wildly is the same as lying. We've decided to add a new label: "Colorado Confidential Caught Lying." It's not quite the same as the Big Blue Lie Machine, but a cog in that machine.

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