Monday, January 21, 2008

Race Looks More and More Like One Udall Could Lose

A 21-year-old political junkie from Maryland has been keeping tabs on all 35 U.S. Senate races slated for this November, and issued today his latest rankings of which seats are most likely to change party hands - with 1 most likely to change and 35 least likely to change (previous ranking in parentheses):
5) (4) Colorado (Open, Allard-R) As polls continue to show a tight race, this looks increasingly like a seat Fmr. Rep. Bob Schaffer (R) can hold for the GOP. With a lead in cash and name ID, Rep. Mark Udall (D) still has a slight edge, but this is going to be one of the marquee races this year. [Emphasis added]
Not exactly what you want to read if you're a Democrat strategist or left-wing blogger, but anyone following the polls and day-to-day news from this campaign - like we do here at Schaffer v Udall - would have a very difficult time trying to refute this basic analysis.

Independent-minded conservative Republican Schaffer vs. Boulder liberal Democrat Udall: Agreeing with the "dead heat" we've been projecting for months, it seems clear that Colorado will be host to "one of the marquee races this year."

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