Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Thoughtful E-mail to Senator Salazar

Politicians love to pat themselves on the back for mundane and meaningless things. There is nothing more meaningless than a Congressional resolution. Recently Earl Asbury received a self congratulatory email from Senator Ken Salazar. We'll let him take the story from here:

Senator Salazar of Colorado sent an e-mail today bragging about a resolution he got through Congress setting a goal of having 25% of our energy supply be from "renewable energy" 25 years from now. I sent him this reply:

If you want to help the energy situation, four ways more helpful than your renewable energy resolution would be:

1. Vote to drill on Alaska's north slope, which Democrats have blocked repeatedly.
2. Stop blocking drilling on Colorado's Roan Plateau.
3. Pass legislation to encourage more nuclear power plants, and streamline all the red tape they have to go through to get required permits.
4. Vote government aid for research to devise ways to burn coal with less pollution.

Earl Asbury,
Colorado Springs

PS: I guess you know by now the Congress's ethanol legislation was quite foolish. It was just another boondoggle to pander to the farm vote.

Our thanks to Earl for sending that along. We included it here because Salazar and Mark Udall are close allies on this topic, although liberal bloggers and msm outlets who should know consider Udall much more liberal than Salazar. Even Udall admits to being a Boulder Liberal.

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